The time of the talks have been carefully chosen in order to be as suitable as possible for all the Invited Speakers, taking into account the fact that scientists from at least three different continents will participate in the Workshop.
Most of the talks will last 30’+5’, and few of them 25’+5’. Discussion sessions will last (at least, but most likely more than) 30’. Especially after the 2nd session of each day, discussion sessions can go on for hours without problem.
You can find below the program with all the scheduled talks.
You can now download the abstracts.
Video recordings of the talks and discussion sessions can be found at this YouTube Channel.
Most of the talks will last 30’+5’, and few of them 25’+5’. Discussion sessions will last (at least, but most likely more than) 30’. Especially after the 2nd session of each day, discussion sessions can go on for hours without problem.
You can find below the program with all the scheduled talks.
You can now download the abstracts.
Video recordings of the talks and discussion sessions can be found at this YouTube Channel.
*Central European Time (CET)
Monday 8th
Session 1: Towards a (local) theory of quantum gravity
Chair: Luca Buoninfante
- 12.30-12.50 (20’): Opening remarks
- 12:50-13:40 (40’+10’): Gerard ‘t Hooft [Negative energies in quantum gravity] <KEYNOTE> slides
- 13:40-14:15 (30’+5’): John Donoghue [The quantum field theory of quadratic gravity] slides
- 14:15-14:50 (30’+5’): Roberto Percacci [Recent progress in Metric-Affine and Higher Derivative Gravity]
- 15:00-15:30 (30’+): Discussion session
Session 2: EFT of gravity, unitarity problem, Wilsonian vs non-Wilsonian UV completion
Chair: Alessia Platania
- 16:30-17:05 (30’+5’): Claudia de Rham [Positivity in gravitational theories]
- 17:05-17:40 (30’+5’): Alberto Salvio [Quadratic gravity]
- 17:40-18:15 (30’+5’): Gia Dvali [Saturons and QFT meaning of self-UV-completion via classicalization]
- 18:15-18:50 (30’+5’): Philip Mannheim [Solution to the ghost problem in higher derivative gravity] slides
- 19:00-19:30 (30’+): Discussion session
Tuesday 9th
Session 1: Asymptotic safety approach to gravity
Chair: Roberto Percacci
- 13:00-13:35 (30’+5’): Frank Saueressig [Introducing form factors in asymptotically safe gravity]
- 13:35-14:10 (30’+5’): Alessia Platania [Non-perturbative unitarity and fictitious ghosts in quantum gravity]
- 14:10-14:45 (30’+5’): Astrid Eichhorn [Interplay of matter and quantum gravity]
- 14:55-15:25 (30’+): Discussion session
Session 2: String (field) theory, higher derivatives & nonlocality
Chair: Alexey Koshelev
- 16:30-17:05 (30’+5’): Ashoke Sen [String field theory]
- 17:05-17:40 (30’+5’): Irina Aref’eva [Notes on Cauchy problem for nonlocal equations]
- 17:40-18:15 (30’+5’): Branko Dragovich [On nonlocality of p-adic and zeta strings] slides
- 18:15-18:50 (30’+5’): Olaf Hohm [Duality and higher derivatives]
- 19:00-19:30 (30’+): Discussion session
Wednesday 10th
Session 1: Higher derivatives, Lorentz (non)-invariance & (non)locality
Chair: Masahide Yamaguchi
- 12:30-13:05 (30’+5’): Andrei Barvinsky [Lorentz non-invariance as the palladium of locality, unitarity and renormalizability in quantum gravity] slides
- 13:05-13:40 (30’+5’): Richard Woodard [The case for nonlocal modifications of gravity]
- 13:40-14:15 (30’+5’): Ilya Shapiro [Exact renormalization group equations from the perturbative quantum gravity] slides
- 14:15-14:50 (30’+5’): Leslaw Rachwal [Higher derivative gauge theory as a toy-model for quantum gravity] slides
- 15:00-15:30 (30’+): Discussion session
Session 2: Nonlocal theories of gravity
Chair: Luca Buoninfante & Sravan Kumar
- 16:30-17:05 (30’+5’): Nikolai Krasnikov [Aspects of nonlocal field theories and gravity]
- 17:05-17:40 (30’+5’): Alexey Koshelev [Ghosts in ghost-free analytic infinite derivative gravity theories]
- 17:40-18:15 (30’+5’): Terry Tomboulis [Nonlocal vertices, UV “opaqueness” and causality]
- 18:15-18:50 (30’+5’): Leonardo Modesto [Nonlocal quantum gravity]
- 19:00-19:30 (30’+): Discussion session
Thursday 11th
Session 1: Black holes, spacetime singularities & higher derivatives
Chair: Francesco Di Filippo
- 12:30-13:00 (25’+5’): Jens Boos [Regular solutions in weak-field infinite-derivative theories: Green function approach] slides
- 13:00-13:30 (25’+5’): Breno Giacchini [Regularization of Newtonian-limit singularities in higher-derivative gravity models]
- 13:30-14:05 (30’+5’): Anupam Mazumdar [Nonlocality in quantum gravity]
- 14:10-14:45 (30’+5’): Xavier Calmet [Quantum gravitational corrections to the entropy of a Schwarzschild black hole]
- 14:50-15:20 (30’+): Discussion session
Session 2: Black holes, spacetime singularities & higher derivatives
Chair: Fabio Scardigli
- 15:45-16:35 (40’+10’): Roger Penrose [Why quantizing gravity cannot, on its own, solve the gravitational singularity problem] <KEYNOTE>
- 16:35-17:10 (30’+5’): Kellogg Stelle [Black holes in higher derivative gravity] slides
- 17:10-17:45 (30’+5’): Valeri Frolov [Remarks on nonsingular black holes] slides
- 17:45-18:05 (20’): Short break [discussions are welcome]
- 18:05-18:40 (30’+5’): Bob Holdom [Ultraviolet completion and not quite black holes]
- 18:40-19:15 (30’+5’): Andrei Zelnikov [Ghost free modification of the Polyakov action and 2D black holes]
- 19:20-19:50 (30’+): Discussion session
Friday 12th
Session 1: Cosmology, higher derivatives & nonlocality
Chair: Sravan Kumar
- 13:00-13:35 (30’+5’): Alexei Starobinsky [Geometric inflationary models based on higher-derivative gravity] slides
- 13:35-14:10 (30’+5’): Masahide Yamaguchi [Cosmological perturbations in Palatini formalism] slides
- 14:10-14:45 (30’+5’): Robert Brandenberger [String cosmology and the breakdown of local effective field theory]
- 14:55-15:25 (30’+): Discussion session
Session 2: Cosmology, higher derivatives & nonlocality
Chair: Robert Brandenberger
- 16:30-17:05 (30’+5’): Thomas Hertog [Observational signatures of novel variations on Starobinsky inflation]
- 17:05-17:40 (30’+5’): Gianluca Calcagni [Stochastic gravitational-wave background in quantum gravity]
- 17:40-18:10 (25’+5’): Anna Tokareva [UV properties of nonlocal scalar theories]
- 18:10-18:40 (25’+5’): Anish Ghoshal [UV-completion in particle theory with infinite derivatives: conformal Invariance, laboratory, and cosmological implications]
Chair: Robert Brandenberger, Luca Buoninfante & Sravan Kumar
- 18:50-19:40 (50’+): Final discussion session with all the speakers of the Workshop
Chair: Luca Buoninfante & Sravan Kumar
- 19:40-19:50 (10’): Concluding remarks & outlook